Wednesday, April 21, 2010

withdrawal symptoms

It has been one week since I've had coffee. Don't people win awards for feats of this magnitude? It hasn't been hard giving up the actual beverage, but I seem to miss the routine of it. Going to the coffee shop, sipping on my caffeinated juice, carrying around my cup like a badge of pride. Sweet sweet salvation comes in liquid form. I've been debating whether to fall back into this bad habit, my pro and con list as follows:

- I look cool holding a coffee cup.
- I feel good holding a coffee cup.
- Coffee tastes really good.

- Lattes are my beverage of choice.
- Lattes are expensive.
- Sometimes I get coffee hangovers.

Decisions, decisions. Guess I'll have to think about it over a cup of... tea?


  1. coffee is bad. running is good. cocaine is also good.

  2. Too late, I had a coffee this morning. SHUCKS.
