Thursday, May 12, 2011

a rock in the sky

If there was a room where the future was contained I would like to spend some time in it. Maybe it's vanity or my lack of trust in what will happen next. Like I dont have control of it. Maybe it's not predestined, but perhaps somebody in a tin foil covered room already knows.

Yesterday it had rained, something that hasn't happened in this city often as of late. The rain brought me back to a memory of my 20th birthday. I was with several close friends and we decided to see a movie after drinking cheap sangria in a warmly lit restaurant, a place nestled behind an alley smelling of hummus and sweat. It was a humid August night and we were all dressed in casual summer wear. It was effortless to dress our bodies for hot summer nights such as this one. After our movie ended and the lights flickered back on we stumbled out of the theatre. Darkness had descended but pushing it's cover aside was a torrential downpour. The rain was fat and wide not unlike thick blankets that shattered upon contact. Sometimes rain is inconvenient and more nuisance than not. On that night it felt like a welcome relief of unspoken tension. It was a release. I was more happy than ever. You can't hide from rain like that. It must be embraced, and my friends and I did just that. We ran and screamed through the streets. We were wild and animals and let instinct trump practicality. We moved as a herd, as one, and were untouchable.

I would very much like for this to be in my future room, if anyone with the key is listening.

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